3. 今年の目標、スポンサー様の募集 This year’s goals and recruitment of sponsors





また、昨年DP TOUR(ヨーロッパツアーhttps://www.europeantour.com/dpworld-tour/)と提携するようになり、インドツアーの賞金ランキングトップ10にはDP TOURへの出場権が与えられることになりました。



DP TOURとの提携が発表されたこともあってか今年の2月に開催された予選会ではヨーロッパやアメリカ、韓国からの選手が挑戦しに来ていましたが、日本人は今年も私一人だけでした。









I would like to write more about the 2023 season in a separate post.

In this post, I would like to write about the challenge of India in 2024, which is currently in progress.

The Indian tour season is held in two main periods: February to April (first half) and August to December (second half).

Nine games have been announced for the first half of this year’s tour schedule, and the second half has not yet been announced, but it is expected that around 15 games will be held. (PGTI match schedule https://www.pgtofindia.com/tournaments) The number of matches increased by 4 from 2022 to 2023, and the total prize money has become more than double, so I expect that the number of matches will increase in 2024 compared to last year.

Also, last year PGTI started partnering with DP TOUR (European Tour https://www.europeantour.com/dpworld-tour/), and the top 10 players on the Indian Tour’s prize money list will be qualified to participate in DP TOUR.

My goal this year is to be in the top 10 at the end of the season.

I was told by the PGTI staff last year that I was the first Japanese to come to participate at the Indian tour through the year.

Perhaps due to the announcement of the partnership with DP TOUR, players from Europe, America, and South Korea came to take on the challenge at the qualifying round held in February of this year, but I was the only Japanese player this year as well.

Up until now, I’ve failed at the qualifying round of a domestic tour in Japan and didn’t qualify to participate, I could have just practice in Japan for a year in preparation for the Qschool the following year. But I wanted to see the world and I was hungry to reach out to the place I’ve never seen before.

However, my funding is currently limited, I plan to focus on the second half of the tournament, which has a larger number of matches and a large prize money than the first half.

In addition to participation fees and playing fees, match expenses include round-trip plane tickets, hotel s, and rental car fees depending on the location of the match. In particular, the cost of plane tickets has skyrocketed, costing around 100,000 to 150,000 yen.

I am currently saving money from my salary from the golf course where I work and the money I receive from customers who I teach golf. But the outlook is still uncertain.

Therefore, I am looking for generous sponsors who are currently reading this post or someone who would like to support my challenge.

Last year, I was interviewed by local media several times.

As compensation for your support, I am considering attaching your company’s emblem to the visible part of my shirt when I appear in the media.

If you would like to contact or discuss about the sponsership, please click on the follow button on Facebook or Instagram down below this page, then click on the message button on the top right side of the page and please send me a message.

